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1955 Boles-Aero Travel Trailer Exhibit "A"
Mira Mar

1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)
1955 Boles-Aero Travel Trailer

1955 Boles-Aero Mira Mar (front kitchen model)
3,080 pounds dry weight
19.5 feet long including tongue
single axle


Archived 2/21/2014

This unit is a photo gallery exhibit only and is not currently for sale. The units for sale are listed on the home page of this site and also tagged with blue for-sale banners.

1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)
1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)

Updated photos from 10/2015

The original trailer had twin beds and a wide dinette seating 4 comfortably. The wet bath was to the left of the kitchen area. as you see in the pictures, a prior owner made the twins into a queen, and stuffed a large fridge into the wet bath, leaving the original fridge opening empty.

The Swamp cooler was removed from the roof and repaired the damage. We removed the tile covering the original floor and saw that we'd need to re-tile. Found a near exact match and cut the 12" tiles down to 9" which is era specific. We replaced various wood panels, added a new ceiling vent, repaired cabinets, constructed cabinets, added a new refrigerator showcasing a retrofitted vintage front and bezel. Twin beds were reconstructed, and the dinette was reconstructed to be a two seater rather than four. The wet bath was entirely reconstructed to fix the damage done by stuffing a fridge there, making it a potty room rather than wet bath (no shower now). The exterior was deeply scarred to accept military grade epoxy and paint. Ruined. We had to paint the exterior... used Mercedes-Benz iridium silver. Marti with Marti's Awnings made all the awnings around the entire trailer. I made the curtains in the main cabin and purchased vintage priscilla curtains for the kitchen.

It was worth the blood, sweat, and tears to transform this trailer into something truly beautiful. Our 9th refurb/rebuild and she's a keeper!!! Not for sale. :)

Sherry & Clark

1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)
1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)
1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)
1955 Boles Aero Travel Trailer (A)

This unit is a photo gallery exhibit only and is not currently for sale. The units for sale are listed on the home page of this site and also tagged with blue for-sale banners.

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