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NASA Astrovan
"Crew transport Vehicle"

NASA Astrovan Airstream Classic Motorhome

NASA Astrovan

The NASA Astrovan (a.k.a. Crew transport Vehicle)! Custom ordered by NASA from Airstream to accomodate the larger Space Shuttle crews. The early shuttle flights had smaller crews so the Apollo-era transport van was used. The original NASA transport van was a custom Clark-Cortez motorhome.

Since 1984, every person that has flown in the Space Shuttle has ridden in the "Astrovan".

NASA - Catching a Ride to Destiny

Wikipedia Page


This unit is a photo library exhibit only and is not currently for sale. The units for sale are listed on the home page of this site and also tagged with blue for-sale banners.

From the movie "Space Cowboys"
From the movie "Space Cowboys"

STS-121 July 4th, 2006
from NASA TV

STS-121 July 4th, 2006
from NASA TV

STS-121 July 4th, 2006
from NASA TV

STS-121 July 4th, 2006
from NASA TV

Once inside the Astrovan, crew members are seated on long, padded benches with lift-out sections to accommodate the ventilator units used to circulate cool air through their bulky orange launch and entry suits. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

STS-135 July 8th, 2011
Final Shuttle Flight

STS-135 July 8th, 2011
Final Shuttle Flight

STS-135 July 8th, 2011
Final Shuttle Flight


This unit is a photo library exhibit only and is not currently for sale. The units for sale are listed on the home page of this site and also tagged with blue for-sale banners.

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